For teachers who are serious about personal development

Continuous professional
teacher development

24 Hour Access

You can complete your courses at anytime, convenient to you.

Online Collaboration

Become part of a learning community which embraces teaching as a profession.

Maintain Your Own Pace

You have the opportunity to complete courses at your own pace.

Work From Home

Online learning allows you to learn anywhere, any time.


To ensure your course progress is recorded you need to be connected to the Internet.

“Those people who develop the ability to continuously acquire new and better forms of knowledge that they can apply to their work and to their lives will be the movers and shakers in our society for the indefinite future.”

– Confucius


All of our courses are SACE endorsed and contributes towards level 3 CPTD points.

The SACE accredited content of our courses include research, knowledge and many years of experience. Our courses are presented in video format to make your learning process easy and convenient.

Our system enable us to track your progress and provide SACE with updated monthly reports about your completed CPTD activities.